My Experience With Humix So Far

In this article, I share some statistics and information about the impact of Humix on my Ezoic monthly income to give you a reference point on what you might be able to achieve on your own site if you join Ezoic and utilize the Humix platform.

The traffic and revenue numbers mentioned in this post are very modest as it is a newish site that is slowly ramping up. Where appropriate I will extrapolate these figures so you can see how much difference they would make on a site with more traffic.

If you don’t know the ins and outs of Humix, check out this article about what Humix is and how to use it.

Unlocking The Power Of Video

The Ezoic team was working on Humix behind the scenes in secret for multiple years before starting to open it up to Ezoic publishers in the second half of 2022.

As soon as I had the option available in my publisher dashboard, I enabled Humix and started experimenting with what it could do. Though my Ezoic sites are not large in terms of traffic numbers, the Humix video platform makes up a significant portion of each site’s monthly income (even though the income is low by many standards due to low traffic).

Quick Recap Of Humix Revenue

When you enable Humix there are three different ways you can make money. 

  1. Make money from showing your own videos on your own content (Owned)
  2. Make money from showing other peoples videos on your content (Displayed)
  3. Make Money from other people using your videos on their content (Shared)

Humix Results From The Last 30 Days

In the below graph of video income from the previous week, you can see the primary source of Humix revenue for this site is Owned video plays – meaning most of my revenue came from my own videos, being played in and on top of my own content.

Following my own content, my next biggest source of Humix income was Shared video plays where other sites have had my videos played on their site and we have shared the revenue.

When your own videos are played on your own site, you get 100% of the revenue, in cases where videos are shared the ad revenue is split 50/50 between the video creator and the site where the video was played. 

To provide some context to the above numbers – in the last 30 days, the site in question received $35.40 in earnings, with an EPMV of $6.53, from 5,550 website visitors.

Given the monthly earnings of $35.40, and Humix earnings making up $6.54 of that, Humix videos are making up 18% of this site’s monthly income.

When the monthly income is low, like with this site, it doesn’t seem like much. But for a site making $1000 per month that would be nearly $200 you could potentially make by enabling Humix, or for a site making $10,000 per month, it could be $2000 you are missing out on.

Given the poor EPMV I’m currently getting for this site, those figures could be greatly increased for a site with more commercially valuable content.

I don’t know many publishers that would turn down the opportunity to increase their revenue by 18%, ongoing, just by enabling some dashboard settings.

My Overall Results So Far

The above picture demonstrates my journey with Humix, from commencement in late September 2022.

At the time I enabled Humix, I did not have any video assets of my own to upload and share, so I had to rely on other people’s videos by utilizing the Engage network.

After a month of using the Engage network, I had some videos created of my own content using Flickify (an Ezoic app that creates videos based on web content). From the point of uploading those videos, my Humix revenue started ramping up (still in very modest terms…). The reason that the income from my own videos was so much greater was partly because I didn’t have to share that revenue with anyone else, and also because the video content was more closely related to the content on my site, that websites visitors would have been more likely to engage with those videos and watch them for longer, thus creating more opportunities for ads to be shown.

The next evolution in how I utilized the Humix platform was when I learned that I could also let other people use my videos on their site. In early March 2023, you can start to see a small amount of Shared Revenue start to appear as my videos began being shown on other sites and web properties.

In my opinion, the best way to capitalize on the possibilities offered by Humix is to create your own videos, have them played over your own content, and share them for other sites to use as well.

If you have your own videos there is no need to use other people’s videos on your site, because not only do you only get half the revenue, but you also get videos that are not likely to be as closely aligned with your content as your own videos will be.

How I Plan To Increase My Humix Results Going Forward 

Overall, I’m very happy with how Humix contributes to this site’s overall revenue, from a relative point of view.

Of course, I would love the numbers to be a lot higher across the board, but that is a different challenge.

The fact that I increased earnings by around 18% just by adjusting some settings inside my publisher dashboard is amazing.

That said, there are some things I plan to do to try and further improve my Humix results.

1. More Videos

At the moment, the site displayed here has a few hundred blog posts, but only 25 videos created. That means there are many other videos I could create using the Ezoic Flickify app to give me more videos to show on my own site and more videos to share with other publishers.

Given how easy it is to create videos with Flickify, this is a must-do.

In addition, I do have some videos on Youtube related to this blog content that I plan to add to my Humix video inventory as well.

2. Testing Better Videos

I won’t put too much effort into the video creation side of things, but I will experiment with a select few videos to improve their quality and see if that leads to an improvement in watch time and ad revenue.

Flikify will be my go-to service to create all my videos in the first instance given how quick and easy and cheap (free) it is. But once I see which videos get traction, I will create higher-quality versions and test the difference.

3. Video Targeting

The other thing I can and will test is whether stricter video targeting can increase views and therefore revenue. At the moment I have very loose parameters set in terms of what content I am happy to have placed on and in my content.

My suspicion is that this setting is already optimized for revenue and I am best of leaving it to the Ezoic system intelligence to decide which video to play, but I will attempt to set some videos that are directly related to certain posts, configured to be the only playable videos for those posts and see if it makes any difference.

Aside from these tweaks to video settings, the main thing I need to do is increase overall traffic to this site. A combination of increased traffic with more video options to allow for better targeting will be my best chance of significantly increasing my Humix, and therefore Ezoic monthly revenue.

Back to work for me!