
Income Report – May 2024

May was a month of planning and learning all about social media content. Not only is there a whole range of new platforms and technology interfaces to learn, but you have to learn how users interact with that platform, why they are there, and what kind of content will add to their experience and boost … Read more

Income Report – April 2024

It looks like the worst of the bleeding is over, when it comes to organic search traffic. It is at the point where there is very little traffic left for Google to divert somewhere else. There is no future in search traffic for this site, clearly, so Social Media traffic will have to become my … Read more

Income Report – March 2024

It is time to say goodbye to Google Organic Search traffic. The slow decline in traffic for this case study site seems to have concluded with a final almighty slap. I don’t know whether the site was impacted by some kind of overall sitewide classification or just that the last few queries that were generating … Read more

Income Report – February 2024

Looking at this month’s data, I’m not inclined to think that things are much ‘better’ – but they aren’t much worse than the previous month. Given the number of manual spam penalties I have seen being applied to many other publishers, I need to be thankful for that. The Ad Revenue index is marginally up, … Read more

Income Report – January 2024

Given historical trends I was expecting a traffic and EPMV decrease for January, and my expectations were, unfortunately, met. The positive I can take from this is that the reductions were consistent with industry trends, and not necessarily a sign of further declines in my site’s Google rankings. The negative is that the traffic continues … Read more

Income Report – December 2023

Just when I thought the decline in traffic to my site was slowing down, there was another percentage significant drop throughout December, and I don’t even need to zoom out to see it. It is clear as daylight. I’ve given up trying to stay up to date with what Google is doing and any updates … Read more

Income Report – November 2023

If I ignore the previous 6 months, and just compare this month to last month – things look like they have been relatively stable in terms of traffic and revenue. But when I zoom out to include the months prior to the infamous Helpful Content Update, I’m quickly reminded how far I have fallen. I’ve … Read more

Ezoic Niche Index Report – Free Ad Rate Analysis Tool

If you’re looking for a valuable tool to help you analyze niche trends and ad performance across different countries, then I recommend you have a look at the Niche Index Report. This free tool, created by Ezoic, provides access to a portion of their proprietary data set, allowing you to see how different niches perform … Read more

Income Report – October 2023

I feel bad but it seems like the only thing that gets attention in these updates is Google algo updates. They are coming out with such speed, and having such an impact on the website industry that it is impossible to keep up. I’m “pleased” to report that overall, there has been no further decline, … Read more

Income Report – September 2023

Another month, another Google Search algorithm update. I do not think I have seen so much drama, and such widespread website trafic reductions in years. Google clearly had a plan of the type of sites they wanted to promote, and they went hard, leaving a lot of collateral damage in their wake. Like so many … Read more