Income Report – December 2022

December was a reasonably straighforward month in the internet world.

Google continued its never stream of ‘updates’ and some of those saw some traffic return to my Ads site which was nice.

This counteracted some drops in traffic on the affiliate site as we came down from the Black Friday sales so it balaned out overall.

Outdoors Site

Monetization: Affiliate

Site Recap

Affiliate site, in the ‘Outdoors’ niche – established in June 2020. Approx 270k words of content over 200+ posts.

See full site history, content publishing breakdown, and traffic history here. Built with this approach.

December Statistics

Rankings: No major ups or downs in specific rankings but traffic overall dropped down to 10k pageviews. This seems to be about the current state of the site with the recent impact from product review updates, but we will see how that progresses.

Total income for Ads and Affiliate came in at $520 slightly dipping, but still up from the October lows.

January Activity

Not a heap of work planned for January as will be ambarking on a family holiday, but will utilise down time to work on page optimization.

Entertainment Site

Site Recap

Ads site, in the ‘Entertainment’ niche – established in January 2021. Monetized with Ezoic advertising.

Approx 220k words of content over 230+ posts.

See full site history, content publishing breakdown, and traffic history here. Built with this approach.

December Statistics

Content publising was strong in December.

Page views climbed back up to 7500 (up about 1000) as Google fine tunes the impact of their algorithm updates.

However overall ad revenue was down because ad rates have been dropping quite significantly.

Though traffic has increased overall impressions have impressed, when usually they are trending up at the same time. This seems to suggests that some of the lower quality is being picked up and de-ranked in the google updates. But I cannot be certain.

My writer continues to upload the articles they write and publish them which is working great and one less thing I need to do. I now need to train them up to do their own pictures as well, and once that has been done, the process will be even more hands off.

January Activity

Overall, I need to keep working away at interlinking, finding better content keywords, and optimizing the content creation SOPs to try and increase the standard of output.